Health is wealth the saying goes. The amount of wealth created or generated depends on the health of the individual generating it. You cannot be said to be generating enough wealth when you are ill. Therefore it is important to maintain a very healthy life style. There are some simple tips outlined below for healthy living. These are:
1. Feeding. The health of every man depends on what he feeds on. The man that feeds on balanced diet; rich in carbohydrate, protein, vitamins and minerals, fat and oil and water will definitely be healthy. His body will develop enough antibodies that will fight against any antigens that come into the body. All the cells and tissues that wear out as a result of daily activities will be replenished. One the other, the man that feeds on unbalanced diet will be ill from time to time. Also the man that consumed plenty of alcohol, smokes, takes hard drugs etc, will be endangering his health. Those things will break down the immune system, cells and tissues. This will result to illness such as cancer, high blood pressure, ulcer, diabetes etc. The question comes to you now, what do you feed on? What is you feeding habit? Think and act now.
2. Exercise. ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’. Exercise is very important for healthy living. It enables us stretch our muscles and tissues, burn up fat in our bodies, makes our blood circulatory, digestive, respiratory, and excretory systems work well. Exercise makes us sleep and rest well. The benefits derived from exercise are so numerous. There various types of exercise we can engage in such as: running, walking, jumping, dancing, jugging, circling, body work out etc. You can choose from any one. Try as much as possible to sweat very well. Exercise at least two hours weekly. No matter your tight schedules make out time to exercise.
3. Resting. The body is like a machine that can break down if not allowed to cool down after working sometime. The night was made for our benefit- rest. Resting helps us to refresh and be more efficient and productive. When we rest, the body metabolism is slowed down, and repairs are carried out in the cells and tissues. Some have abused their bodies by working all the year round and at the end the result is break down of their body system. So make out sometime to rest and relax. Take some time off for vacation; it is very good for your health.
4. Working. ‘Work does not kill, what kills is worry, so work and never worry’. Work is very important in order to maintain a healthy living. Work creates wealth, and wealth is used to maintain a healthy living. A saying goes that ‘he that does not work should not eat’. And we know the implication- ill heath and death. Never be lazy, there are many things to do to create wealth, engage in one today and be happy you did.
5. Environment. The place we live determines the state of our health. A dirty, mosquito prone environment, air polluted area will certainly endanger our health. Clean up your environment always, destroy all containers that could breed mosquito, and avoid a highly industrialized area. These areas will certainly be polluted with industrial waste. Cleanliness is next to godliness. Maintain a clean environment and hence maintain a healthy living.
Our health can be maintained or destroyed depending on our life style. Therefore maintain a healthy life style today.
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