May 2, 2024


Outstanding health & fitness

Lifestyle Tips to Prevent or Reduce Atrial Fibrillation Attacks

Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is a common concern characterized by irregular and often rapid heart rhythm. AFib can lead to clots in the heart and increases heart attack and stroke risks. The common symptoms include weakness, sweating, dizziness, fatigue, and chest pain. Seek immediate attention if you experience any symptoms to facilitate proper diagnosis and treatment. The first Upper East Side atrial fibrillation test is usually an electrocardiogram (ECG), a simple procedure that checks the heart’s electrical activity and rhythm.

If you have been diagnosed with AFib, you are not doomed; you can keep attacks at bay with a few lifestyle adjustments. Among the pointers to make the attacks less likely includes:


Your doctor may prescribe medication. Do not take it lightly, even when you are feeling well. Taking the medication helps manage the situation. Besides the AFib medication, you might also be on an active prescription for one or more conditions that increase the chances of an attack. The common conditions include:

·         Diabetes

·         Hypertension (high blood pressure)

·         Hyperthyroidism (thyroid disease)

·         Sleep apnea

·         Weight management (obesity)

·         Chronic lung disease

·         Heart conditions like a failure, attack, or heart valve disease

Following medication and management recommendations for such conditions keeps attacks at a minimum. While beyond your control, if you have a family history of AFib, it is also advisable to seek medical attention to develop a strategy and keep attacks at bay.

Physical activity

Exercise improves your circulation in many ways to keep AFib attacks away. Regular exercise can help improve your heart strength, manage weight, lower stress levels, and enhance your moods. You will lower the attacks and hospitalization chances with such improvements, enhancing your overall health and quality of life.


When dehydrated, you are at a higher risk of AFib episodes. While not everyone fancies regular water sips, you can complement your efforts by including more beverages and food rich in liquids in your routine. This does not include alcohol and caffeinated drinks, though. It would be best to moderate alcohol, coffee/tea, and other caffeinated drinks since they affect your heart rhythm.


A heart-healthy diet should be your priority as you strive to keep AFib episodes away. Foods rich in potassium, like bananas, avocado, peanut butter, balk beans, and Brussels sprouts, are excellent additions to your nutrition regimen. Also, consider magnesium, another element associated with lowering AFib episodes. Consider magnesium supplements if you can’t figure out the right diet for such nutrients. While considering your diet, remember to limit sodium intake. Higher sodium amounts increase the risks of high blood pressure and developing AFib.


Have you tried acupuncture? The traditional treatment approach can help prevent arrhythmias, more so if you have persistent AFib. Other techniques like yoga, deep belly breath, and a cold shower or dipping your head in cold water help you relax and slow your heart rate.

Lifestyle changes can help manage and lower AFib attacks. In other instances, you might need treatments to deal with faulty electrical issues or prevent blood clots. You may also benefit more from pacemaker implants following your condition. Caring for your heart can be scary, but you can stay healthy and active with medical professionals by your side with fewer hassles. Contact or visit Upper East Side Cardiology today to learn more about atrial fibrillation, treatments, and management strategies.