May 4, 2024


Outstanding health & fitness

How to Ease Your Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer Vision Syndrome Treatment - Treatment for Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer vision syndrome is an eye condition resulting from prolonged use of digital screens like computers, tablets or smartphones. It causes eye issues like eye strain, eye fatigue, dry eyes, blurred vision, itchy eyes, neck and shoulder pain and headaches. You can experience severe symptoms if you use these screens frequently or have an underlying eye problem. You can increase your chance of getting Beverly Hills computer vision syndrome if you continuously focus on your computer for two or more hours. You can ease your computer vision syndrome in the following ways: 

Adjust your computer

Sitting too close to your computer screen increases the chances of developing eye strain. Your digital screen should be twenty to twenty-eight inches away from your eyes. Position your screen about four to five inches below your eye level. Ensure you are not tilting your neck upward or downward to see your screen. Adjust font size, brightness, and contrast on your digital device to make texts and images more visible.

Blink more often

Blinking spreads moisture and mucus in your eyes, preventing them from drying. If you do not blink frequently, your eyes can dry and irritate. Working on a computer continuously reduces your blinking episodes. Studies show blinking reduces by sixty-six percent while looking on a digital screen. Ensure you frequently blink while working on your computer and have regular breaks from your device to give the eyes a rest.

Minimize screen glare

Screen glare occurs when light reflects off your screen. This light mainly results from overhead lighting devices or neighboring windows or doors. You can reduce or eliminate screen glare by using dimmed overhead lights and light bulbs with lower wattage and adding a screen glare filter on your digital device. You can also close blinds, shades, or curtains on your windows to help reduce screen glare.

Adjust sitting posture

Poor posture increases your risk of getting eye strain. To promote good sitting posture, ensure your ears are aligned over your shoulders and avoid leaning your head and neck forward. Keep your shoulders relaxed by avoiding hunching forward. Also, ensure your chair has good back support and supports your spine while working on your computer. The chair you use should keep your feet flat on the floor or slightly higher than your hips.

Take regular breaks

Using your computer continuously is among the leading causes of computer vision syndrome. Look at something twenty feet away for twenty seconds every twenty minutes to help your eyes refocus to reduce the risk. In every two hours of continuous digital screen use, rest your eyes for fifteen minutes. Move away from the computer and look at other objects closer and further from it.

Put on the correct eyeglasses

If you consider wearing eyeglasses, ensure your prescription is correct. Putting on the wrong glasses can alter the appropriate focusing of your eyes. Poor focusing can lead to eye strain and headaches. If you already have glasses for distance adjustments, reading, or both, you need to get a new prescription for just viewing a digital screen.

If your symptoms persist after these lifestyle changes, seek medical attention. Schedule an appointment at Advanced Dry Eye Center for computer vision syndrome treatment to prevent worsening of your symptoms.