Has your PTSD and depression persisted even with antidepressants and other medications? Unfortunately, it might be difficult to treat health conditions as everyone might not react to the medications similarly. You can opt for transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to treat chronic depression. You should look for a TMS phoenix expert who can educate you on ways to cope with depression. These TMS benefits might improve your mental health outcome.
It Treats Major Depressive Disorder
It is difficult to treat the major depressive disorder with antidepressants and lifestyle changes, but TMS addresses it. It is evidence-proved to work on treatment-resistant depression. The doctor uses electromagnetic wavelengths to correct the neuropathy in the brain, correcting major depressive disorders.
It Is Non-Invasive
TMS is non-invasive and does not harm the patient; the electromagnetic fields are harmless and do all the underlying work by tuning the brain. This treatment works on the cerebral cortex stimulating the neurons in the brain. Correcting the neuron paths might correct depression and alleviate mental health issues. Moreover, the TMS treatment is not new and has been used for over a decade to treat depression, and patients who have undergone the treatment have had improved health outcomes. More research on the TMS treatment and its role in alleviating mental health conditions.
It Has Mild Side Effects
TMS has mild side effects, and the treatment is mild; however, you may get headaches, seizures, energy change, and scalp irritation. Thus, it is the safest alternative to treat depression. You may not use anesthesia to treat depression with TMS. Moreover, you may not need hospitalization after the treatment as you would go on with your life hours after the TMS treatment.
Are You Eligible for TMS
You may be eligible for TMS if you have mental health conditions which do not respond to medication. However, it may not be the right procedure if you want to get pregnant; moreover, a metal or implanted medical device in the head will impact the TMS diagnostic results.
The procedure might involve strong magnetic forces which impact the medical devices. To improve the procedure’s outcome, you may need to stop taking the anti-depression medications before undergoing TMS treatment. People with a seizure history or epilepsy and other mental health complications may impact the TMS treatment. Moreover, frequent and severe headaches might impact the TMS diagnosis.
TMS after Care
Sometimes you may need several TMS treatments to treat chronic depression completely. However, you would need standard care for depression-like psychotherapy, medication, and other ongoing treatments. You may continue the depression treatment even when symptom-free to improve the outcome of the TMS treatment. You may repeat the TMS treatment if the symptoms reappear after some time. Your doctor might guide you on the proper TMS after-care treatment as one person’s needs might vary from another person’s needs.
Chronic depression might impact your life, especially if it does not respond to medications and lifestyle changes. However, you can opt for TMS, which uses magnetic wavelength to change the brain neurons. You may need a customized after-care plan after TMS to prevent future chronic depressive episodes. Good luck finding the right doctor who can administer TMS.
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