May 4, 2024


Outstanding health & fitness

Top Reason to Consider Dental Veneers

Your smile is the first thing most people notice and the most memorable. As you age, the smile’s vibrancy takes a hit. You may be considering a smile makeover to counter the effects of concerns, including cavities, grinding over the years, decay, discoloration, or tooth loss. Veneers Totowa is an excellent smile makeover that offers cosmetic value and improves dental health.

Dental veneers, the thin covering on the outer-facing/front part of the teeth, are custom-designed to match your natural teeth’s shape, size, and color. This means nobody will know you have veneers since they look like natural teeth. They offer a discreet improvement, allowing you to eliminate the smile imperfections. They are a go-to for many due to advantages including:

  • Stain resistance
  • Gum friendliness
  • Durability
  • Fast treatment (typically done within as few as two visits)

Among the reasons you should consider dental veneers include:


After cracking/chipping a tooth, it becomes weak. If you leave it unattended, it grows weaker and vulnerable to concerns like decay since the enamel is damaged. Dental veneers protect chipped/cracked teeth by alleviating the pressure when chewing, keeping it from worsening. Moreover, the veneer obscures the chipped/cracked area, dealing with the smile imperfection. Following the extent of the crack/chip, your dentist can recommend pairing veneers with other options like a crown for better results.


Gaps between teeth can affect your oral hygiene, chewing, speech, and smile. Brushing or flossing is harder between teeth, increasing the risks of bacteria growth and infections. While you can opt for orthodontic devices, for example, braces, veneers offer a less invasive solution. Dental veneers can bulk up your teeth close to the gaps. They close up the gaps, and since they can be colored to match your teeth, they look and feel natural. With the fast procedure and less invasive approach, veneers help deal with gaps, allowing you to spot a naturally better smile and improve oral hygiene and health.


It is not unusual to find some teeth that are not perfectly formed. Some might be noticeably smaller or don’t match the rest, deformities that can ruin your smile. Dental veneers can cover such deformity, shaping your teeth to match the rest. The discreet prosthetic can deal with teeth deformity, and no one can tell that it is covered, making it a great smile makeover approach.


Teeth discoloration can get to the point where even professional cleaning and whitening do not deliver the best results. In such instances, you can turn to dental veneers. The cover provides a comprehensive whitening solution regardless of the extent of discoloration, brightening your smile. The best part is that veneers are stain-resistant. It means you will have an easier time maintaining a bright smile since staining will not be an issue.

Dental veneers offer an excellent opportunity to transform your smile despite all the wear and tear experienced over the years. Within a few trips to your dentist, you will enjoy a brighter smile, and with their durability, keep the smile for upwards of 15 years with proper care and maintenance measures. Call Bogota Dental Center or schedule your appointment online for more information about dental veneers